Monday, July 11, 2011

Weekly Update 7/10/11

Where to start, where to start. This week was full of joys and disappointments. We started with an early morning Independence Day parade. We were hoping and anticipating something like the Lehi parade…but to our disappointment, the parade lacked ward floats,marching bands, horses pooping on the street, unsuspecting primary kids not paying attention walking through the poop, crown royalty,candy being thrown at us, etc. Instead, the parade consisted primarily of people holding signs and chanting the names of other people running in this fall’s elections, 6 (not 7!) crazy cool Corvettes, one old fire engine, a few random things, and even more political crap. Annie was near the verge of tears. At the end of the parade I made the announcement that I would run in the upcoming elections and prevent political crap from being admitted in next year’s parade. Several people said they would most certainly vote for me. Later that day we went to a local park that had a live band that has opened for Kenny Chesney, Styx, and a host of other popular bands. The music was GREAT! It was followed by a fantastic fireworks show cued to patriotic music.Traffic afterward was simply unbelievable. The few cops that did show up to direct traffic obviously had no idea how to do it. Several pedestrians got whacked and we sat in two spots for over ½ hour each…without moving an inch! No kidding. They just wouldn’t let our direction flow.

Our home search continues. Each morning we get an automated report showing new listings. Several days this week we saw listings we absolutely had to see and were willing to drive the 170+ miles round-trip each evening just to see them. Unfortunately, each was sold within just a few hours of being on the market for more than the asking price with sellers entertaining multiple offers. The marke there is like nowhere else in the country…it’s almost more of a sellers’ market in our price range. We’ll just keep looking.

I had a mid-year performance review this week. I wrote a self-evaluation highlighting my accomplishments and what I’m working on. My boss completely concurred with my own assessments and added a few of his own to my benefit. Most of the tasks and goals we had set for me to meet by the end of the year have already been met and exceeded!

This week Annie made dinners. They were fantastic! She is not just a baker…now she is a cook too…and a great one at that! I tell you what,it’s sure nice to have my Annie back! I don’t know how I lived without her for over five months. We feel like newlyweds again. It’s wonderful. It’s been two weeks and we haven’t even had an argument yet! We expect to have an argument any day now, but we’ll have to come up with a topic first. Any suggestions?

Danny (my cousin) and I did a triathlon Saturday morning. It was my longest one and fastest one to date. My bike was 2 miles longer (14) and quite a bit faster, the swim was 1/2mile instead of 500 yds and at a faster pace, and the run was 3.2 miles instead of three miles and it too was faster. Even though the distances were longer, my overall time was shorter! I'm sure feeling it now though. Danny wants to do an Olympic one in October. It'd be a 1 mile swim, 26 mile bike and a 6.4 mile run. I'm OK with the swim and bike, but the run is what kills me. I guess that's what training is for. Training will make me sexy. Annie says when I'm sufficiently (it's subjective...I had to ask) sexy she'll let me buy another gun! I've decided on an AR15 before democratic idiot-sticks try to put bans on just about everything. Seriously, how am I supposed to protect myself and my family with an emasculating pea shooter? Not that an AR 15 is a defense weapon...I'll probably use it as an offensive tool when defending my country against radical extremists seeking to overthrow righteous leaders protecting the Promised Land. An that's motivation to lose some baby fat! I have enough fur to hide all of my"not so sexy" parts, but Annie wants me sexy with minimal fur. I'm thinking she wants to shear my fur and donate it to "Locks of Love"and get the tax write off. I'm kind of fond of my Sasquatchesque appearance. Oh well. Anything to please the Queen I guess.